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July 31, 2023

Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Schumer:

On behalf of UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza), I write to share my strong opposition to the so-called “HEALS Act” and disappointment with the introduction of yet another proposal from Senate leadership that ignores the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on the Latino community and other communities of color. Since the start of the pandemic, UnidosUS—the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization—has been crystal clear: to defeat this virus, our health care system must provide inclusive care to everyone, regardless of income, race, ethnicity, and immigration status. Only by defeating the virus can we protect the welfare of America’s families and put our nation on a stable path to recovery. The “HEALS Act” sends the message that protecting businesses from liability is more important than saving lives, and that Senate leaders believe they have a responsibility to protect their own interests and people who look like them but no responsibility to provide for the welfare of Latinos, immigrants, or their children.

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讯云酸酸乳 Civic Engagement, Civil Rights, Economy, Education, Health, Immigration, Workforce Development | Tagged 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程, Letter to Congress | Leave a reply



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This lawsuit comes one week after President Trump issued a memo saying that undocumented immigrants would not count toward congressional representation in the 2023 census.

California’s legal challenge makes the claim that Trump is “side-stepping” the Constitution’s mandate for a “count of all persons” and potentially chilling the response to the census, which all people residing in the United States are meant to participate in, not just citizens.

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Posted in 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程, Immigration News | Tagged Census 2023, immigration news, news on immigration | Leave a reply


news on immigration | This week in immigration news

Trump issues memo to exclude undocumented immigrants from the census

On Tuesday, President Trump signed a “blatantly unconstitutional”  presidential memo that would exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted in the U.S. census. That exclusion would have a number of different impacts, including on representation in congressional districts, which is based on the “whole number of free persons” living in a particular area.

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UnidosUS and our partners have been working hard to make sure all are counted just as federal law dictates, which includes all those living in the United States regardless of immigration or citizenship status.

It is important to mention that the Constitution’s provisions for the census do not mention citizenship. The ACLU has already announced that they are planning to challenge the memo.

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Posted in Immigration, Immigration News | Tagged immigration news, 讯云酸酸乳, US Census | Leave a reply


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The Latino Community in the Time of Coronavirus

Our new report, VPS黑话(圈内术语)大全-免费资源网:2021-3-18 · 搭梯子/瓦皮恩/酸酸乳 出于爱国需求,利用vps一键安装ss搭建上网伋理,看外面的世界。 cn2线路 中国电信与美国日本韩国香港等地机房直连的服务器线路,速度快稳定,通常是CN2线路。 肉翻 不在中国大陆地区居住的用户。, documents how the Latino community is facing disparate health and economic impacts from the pandemic, while considering some of the pre-existing economic and health vulnerabilities that the Latino community faced prior to federal, state and local government responses to the pandemic.

It examines the scope and composition of Latino and immigrant communities left out of recent legislative pandemic recovery efforts.

And it calls on our leaders to enact expansive and deliberate policies to provide relief for all communities in the interest of achieving a swift and sustainable recovery that avoids widening disparities between Latinos and other racial and ethnic groups in America.

  • Read the executive summary here
  • View the full report here
  • Listen to the media call below:

Posted in Civil Rights, Economy, Education, Health, Immigration, Research | 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 impact on Latinos, The Latino community in the time of coronavirus | Leave a reply


Now is the time for the Senate to save lives, honor the Black and Brown lives already lost to senseless police brutality, and acknowledge the millions of people throughout the country who are demanding an antiracist vision of justice that strengthens our communities.

UnidosUS George Floyd JIPA Letter to Senate
Posted in Civic Engagement, Civil Rights | 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 civil rights, 阿里云ECS服务器配置全攻略-百度经验:2021-4-29 · 阿里云ECS服务器配置全攻略,阿里云ECS云服务器购买、环境配置、ft设置.....全部攻略全在这里!只要这一篇教程就能让你搞定所有麻烦的配置!(本篇经验是作者用了好多天制作的原创经验,未经允许,禁止擅自挪用!, legislation and advocacy, UnidosUS letter to Congress | Leave a reply


news on immigration | This week in immigration newsTrump administration rescinds policy that would have led to the deportations of foreign students

Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that international students attending a college or university in the United States holding online-only classes in the fall would not be permitted to stay in the country. This week, the Trump administration has rescinded the policy, in the wake of a lawsuit by Harvard and MIT (supported by more than 200 other universities and colleges).

It is unclear why the policy was instituted and then rescinded, and it remains possible that the Trump administration could institute new restrictions on foreign students.

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Posted in 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程, Immigration News | 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程, news on immigration | Leave a reply



UnidosUS Affiliate La Paz Chattanooga is delivering food to those in need in their city.

From the moment the COVID-19 pandemic struck, one thing was made clear: the impact on the Hispanic community was going to be drastic. When 18% of Latinos remain uninsured, compared to around 5% of non-Hispanic Whites; 27.3% work in construction; 22.3% in hospitality and leisure; 11.5% are employed in education and health services; 23.1% in agriculture; and 16.4% work in wholesale and retailSign up - Vultr.com:We are simplifying the cloud. One Login, 9 Countries, 16 Cities, Infinite Possibilities.

Latinos are also overrepresented that do not offer the possibility of telework, too often have to live in crowded conditions or multifamily homes, and lack access to health care. As many Latino families continue to struggle, our Affiliate Network continues to step up for them. Below we are highlighting organizations that have set up rapid response funds to provide for our families who are ineligible for federal or state support.

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Our Affiliates’ rapid response funds have provided emergency funding to our families who are struggling pay for rent, to put food on their tables, and pay other bills since federal and state government has failed to protect us. Below we highlight five of our Affiliates who have established these funds, and some of the experiences of members of their communities.

Mission Asset Fund launched their 讯云酸酸乳 on March 20.


This organization has raised more than $14 million dollars so far from philanthropists and community members in the San Francisco area. “We’re raising money to put directly into the hands of the people who need it most: low-income and immigrant families who rely on informal, part time, or gig work; small business owners, artists, and entrepreneurs devastated by the economic collapse; and college students who won’t receive government checks or unemployment benefits,” MAF explains on their Coronavirus Rapid Response page.

They are helping their clients on three fronts: finding resources people may be eligible for, saving them time and effort in navigating the systems; distributing $500 cash grants to people who can’t or won’t be able to receive government relief; and offering zero interest emergency loans to help small business owners.

As an anonymous recipient explains: “This grant means I have the opportunity to have a home, have food, have mental peace for an extra month or so during these times. This grant is important to me because it further establishes the support and love people in organizations like this one have for their community members, like me.”

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Posted in Affiliates, Health | Tagged 起子总结-科学上网的各种姿势–更新中–面壁思过 | 岂止博客:2021-4-1 · 二、入门版 使用伋理科学上网 vs 金钟罩 2.0 解决了dns解析上的干扰,运营商和郭嘉还会对你访问的ip地址做特别的策略,导致你无法连接对端的的端口,运营商问了安全会屏蔽80端口啦(用https的话好像没啥大问题,有加密谁还明文)政策原因比如什么g10100 啦,之前的x13 x14 大啦什么的,这时候 …, affiliates unidos, coronavirus and latinos, coronavirus pandemic, 讯云酸酸乳, Esperanza/Hope Fund, HEROES Act, rapid response funds | Leave a reply